Tom Ensminger’s The Carpetbagger Page
Kim Juhler’s website on the Carpetbaggers
Website dedicated to the Tigers Revenge, B24H 42-94816 of the 492nd BG that crashed in Norway 21st April 1945
Roger Day’s website “Rambury at War” which includes details of the crash in which Lt Lawrence Berkoff of 856th BS 492nd BG was killed near Lambourn on the 8th September 1944
Eric Russells short video on his Uncle, Earl Underwood, Flight Engineer of the Wagstad crew who was killed when their Carpetbagger aircraft was hit by flak and crashed on the night of 3rd March 1944 at Lutz-en Dunois, France after a successful supply drop at Peter 54
Clipston School’s Wartime web pages
Jedburgh History, Jedburgh Team Composition and Jedburgh Operational Casualties – Arthur Browns archived web pages
SOE page generated by Clutch program
David Harrison’s website with listing of agents from French Section of SOE
Robert Body’s Tempsford website
Roll of Honour website for Tempsford
Bob Body’s page on the RAF’s 161 (Special Duties) Squadron
Royal Air Force No 38 Group Squadrons website
Website on crashes in the Orkneys and in particular that of B-24 42-50331 that crashed at Walliwall, Near the Orkney capital of Kirkwall on 31 March 1945 while returning from a clandestine mission, all but one of the 14 on board were killed
Website on the US Army’s 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) from which the OSSs Norso Group was formed
Website dedicated to the memory of the Solomon Crew of the American 885th Bombardment Squadron 15th Air Force operating out of Brindisi who crashed on the slopes of Mount Canin on the night of 16th October 1944
The Official Violette Szabo GC website
The website of the Military Intelligence Museum at Chicksands in Bedfordshire. This museum contains the Intelligence Corps Collection; The Medmenham Collection devoted to aerial photography and image analysis; Displays on the joint service BRIXMIS intelligence gathering mission based in East Germany during the Cold War; The American radio intercept operations in Chicksands from 1950 until 1996; and a display commemorating those members of the Intelligence Corps who served in the SOE during World War 2
The Official Website of Bletchley Park, Station X during WW2
Tony Sale’s website on codes and ciphers during WW2
AUXUNIT News, website of the Auxiliary Units, 1940 – 1944
The Home Guard website “Most of those men are now long gone and dead but we, as a nation, should be proud of them.”:
Strategic Air Command’s page on the Thor missile
Brian Webbs website on space and astronomy information including RAF Thor launches from Vandenberg AFB.
Subterranea Britannica’s website on the Royal Observer Corps
Steve Scanlon’s website on the UK Nuclear Attack Warning System
Protect & Survive Archival website of UK Civil Defence material
“Image Archive and Research/Reference Center” W.W.II B-24 Liberator Bombers
Archived website on Bases of the 8th and 9th USAAF in the UK
Aviation Archaeology Investigation and Research website where MACR and other details on USAAF aircraft can be sourced
United States Air Force Historical Research agency website containing a wealth of downloadable information
World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in the Netherlands database
Grunt’s Military Site Dedicated to the military and military personnel, includes details on military rank insignia, medals and ribbons as well as images, forums, military quotes and glossaries
Aircrew remembered website containing comprehensive databases on aircrew losses and memories
Air War over Denmark Very informative Website by Soren C Flensted
US 8th AF – Fred Preller’s informative website
384th BG at Grafton Underwood – Fred Preller’s informative website
Museum of Berkshire Aviation website specialising in Miles and the Handley& Page aircraft
If you are aware of any other relevant and interesting links on the above subjects that you consider should be included here then please let us know